In toddlers and older children, the eczema rash is often in the skin creases around the knees, wrists, elbows and ankles In some children the rash can cover their entire body It is common for the severity of the eczema to change, and you will notice that sometimes your child's eczema is mild, while at other times it gets worseCauses of eczema Eczema has a genetic basis – this means it tends to run in families Children with eczema often have other allergytype conditions like asthma or hay fever Eczema might flare up after contact with irritating chemicals like soaps or bubble baths, or irritating fabrics like wool and polyester;National Eczema Association, "Understanding Your Child's Eczema," "Eczema in skin of color What you need to know," "Prescription Topical Treatment," "Dupixent for Atopic Dermatitis Baby Or Infant Eczema Causes Symptoms Treatment Everyday Health Eczema food triggers in toddlers